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Become an Odd Fellow at Samaritan Lodge #2 with our quick and easy online form. We'll contact you for an interview within a week. 


​The Odd Fellows Lodge... what IS it? Is it like the free masons in “The Divinci Code” where you're in some strange secret cult? 


Nahhhh.... The Odd Fellows Lodge is a community service organization that is working towards doing charitable work and community outreach in the Milwaukie, OR area. Our principles are based on benevolence, love, and charity and we seek to foster friendship and fellowship within our ranks. 


What are we looking for? New passionate members to carry on the grand Odd Fellows tradition of helping the community and creating a fun space for community outreach and events.


Who can join? Anyone 18 or older! Our order does not discriminate based on age, race, religion, gender identity, or sexual orientation. All are welcome.


What does joining entail? Odd Fellows members are expected to attend at least one meeting a month (held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 7:30pm) and to help with various committees (like the activities committee or community outreach committee), assist with various events (like fundraiser dinners), and help with building maintenance and upkeep. 


What do YOU get for joining? Besides making new friends and that fabulous feeling of joy that comes from helping people in the community, being an Odd Fellows has other perks! By coming to one meeting a month and paying your yearly dues (on a sliding scale based on participation) Odd Fellows members can use our lovely building in downtown Milwaukie FOR FREE! This is a great space to teach classes, hold community events and meetings, and we have (drum roll) a THEATER space! Our stage/ dining room area has been equipped with theatrical lighting and curtains and is newly remodeled to accommodate more plays, musicals, and other performing arts fun! We also have great parking, a huge fully functional kitchen and separate meeting hall so multiple groups can use the building at once. There is also a beautiful Odd Fellows campground in Florence, OR that you'll have access to at a discounted rate.​


So you've applied to be an Odd Fellow...What happens now? The interviewing committee will contact you to do a brief 10-15 min Zoom interview. The lodge members will then vote to accept your membership at the next regular meeting. You'll then be contacted that night via email to tell you if you've been voted in as a new member. Next, you'll have to take the "Initiatory Degree" to be an official member. After that you'll be able to come to meetings and will pay your yearly membership dues (only $60 per year for members who fulfill all of their participation hours)


What's a degree? What is initiation? Is that some weird hazing or cult ceremony?
NO, silly! The “degrees” are interactive plays that teach new inductees about the principles of Odd Fellowship. They are a bit antiquated and weird at times, but that's because this order has been around since the 1800s! 


What to learn more? Contact our secretary with any questions you may have: ​​



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